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Major Industries

We have been helping businesses Owners Get More Done With Their Time While cutting cost significantly.

Trusted By Top Industries

Serving 12+ Industries

Scale Your Business Today

Schedule a Free Business Scaling Consultation Today and learn how we at VirtualAssistantsHire can help grow your business and double your income

Why Choose VirtualAssistantsHire

Zoom Workspace

In addition to screenshot monitor to help you monitor the working hours of your assistant, with our zoom workspace, you get to see your  assistant work in real-time at any point during working hours.

Assigned Manager

The agency provide you with a manager to work hand in hand with your virtual assistant and help you out at any point in time.

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Business Scaling Sessions

Monthly sessions on tools and new systems you can implement to scale your business and further increase the productivity of your assistant. 

VirtualAssistantsHire is a U.S.-based recruitment company headquartered in Texas.

Our main goal is to provide high-quality assistants to support both small and large scale businesses. organizations, entrepreneurs, and professionals scale their business at the most cost-effective rate in the market.

Irrespective of the service you offer, or the scale of your organization, regardless of the number of virtual assistant you need either it be a large scale recruitment or a single virtual assistant we are fully committed to providing you with the most experienced assistants and the best service to help you scale your business and achieve your goal with less pressure on your budget.

Get Started Today

Schedule A Strategy Call With Our Consultant Today

Let’s help you save time and money and scale your business.

Join over 1000 business owners and save yourself at least 70% on the cost of hiring a physical employee.

No equipment cost, insurance cost, risk free.

Let’s help you get started today.

Our consultant are ready to give you a free session and help you identify the best plan for your business and the best virtual assistant that meet your immediate needs.

You also get our free-ebook that helps you through the process of on-boarding your assistant 


Strategy/Interview Process

Our Expert Consultants are ready to meet you and help identify what you need and identify if any of our services is right for you and the right virtual Assistant.



Our technical and consult support team provides you with every materials, support within the first week to guide you through every steps of our proven onboarding process.


Virtual Assistant OnBoarding

We guide you through the process of Onboarding your selected virtual assistant into your team and make sure they can start as early as possible

Still in doubt

Check out our lead generation system

It's time to get more done and also have enough spare time to promote your business.

The amount of hours spent on administrative tasks, emails, calendar management, appointment settings and sales can be directed into developing your business. At VirtualAssistantsHire our mission is to help you develop your business rapidly by saving you enough time to focus on important things and have the best expert in the business promote your business.