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Let a trained Virtual Fingerprinting Assistant help grow your business

Expert Fingerprinting Virtual Assistant

What Can A Fingerprinting Virtual Assistant Do For Your Fingerprinting Business?


VirtualAssistantsHire has worked with FingerprintingClasses to recruit, train, and employ assistants that specialize in sales and can increase your appointments significantly

Customer Service Representatives

One major issue with getting an employee for a fingerprinting business is the lack of trained employee that specializes in fingerprinting.

Appointment Setting

Mobile Jobs are major source of income for a fingerprinting business due to additional mileage price.

How can a VirtualAssistantsHire Fingerprinting Integrator help you?

Lead Generation

A VAH expert sales assistant are trained in using our lead generation system which can get you at least 200 leads within 3 minutes and also scrape leads from different source to increase your sales/appointments.

Cold Emailing

Cold emailing at a low rate doesn’t work no doubt. However, with our system, our expert sales assistant sends out at least 150 emails per day and this guarantees at least 5 to 6 response daily. 

GMB Support


GMB Reviews and posts are essential in developing your business . Handling a business and Monitoring reviews on your GMB account and posts can be difficult, this is why you need an assistant to help out with your business.

Phone Answering

One major issue with getting an employee for a fingerprinting business is the lack of trained employee that specializes in fingerprinting. With the use of Aircall, our trained assistants help you out.

Chat Support

Do you know you can convert visitors to your website into potential clients. With the use of a chat support system called Crisps, visitors on your website  can be reached and asked for the services they are looking to get and convert them into clients that use your services.

Follow Ups

Customer/client follow up is an important sales process that is overlooked by most business owners. Why handle all the stress alone when you can hire an expert sales assistant to deal with sales and follow up.

Find the Right Virtual Assistant For You.

Based Around The World

Our virtual assistants are carefully selected from the best around the world.

Completely Remote

Our expert assistants can do everything an employee can do and more except remotely.

College Graduates

Our virtual assistants are highly educated and comfortable in every situation


Select the right assistant for your business today .

Still in doubt

Check out our lead generation system

Stop wasting time handling administrative tasks instead of attending mobile appointments.

The amount of hours spent on administrative tasks, emails, calendar management, appointment settings and sales can be directed into developing your business. At VirtualAssistantsHire our mission is to help you develop your business rapidly by saving you enough time to focus on important things and have the best expert in the business promote your business.