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What Is A Fivver Virtual Assistant

A Fivver virtual assistant is a remote contractor that you hire as a means of outsourcing a specific task or set of tasks that meets your immediate needs.

Outsourcing tasks to a virtual assistant on Fivver is considered fast and expendable. By transfiguring minor yet important time–consuming tasks, such as cold emailing, SEO, website development, and so on. 

A Fivver virtual assistant despite the fact that they are not exclusive to your business, they are still quite effective.

Downsides To Hiring A Fivver Virtual Assistant

No doubt hiring a virtual assistant on Fivver is a good choice when trying to complete a quick project, build a quick website and logo, or get a quick cold emailing and cold calls done. However, there are some downsides to using a freelancer on Fivver.

  •  Non-Exclusivity- Virtual assistants on Fivver are complete freelancers and are not exclusive to your project or business. Therefore if you are looking for something more focused on a project you are working on, hiring a virtual assistant on Fivver is not the best option.
  • Substandard Results- Although this is not always the case with outsourcing a task to a freelancer, sometimes the results are a bit below par, and writing a bad review, unfortunately, doesn’t change anything once the project is delivered.
  • Delayed Results-

    Some of us want our projects done within the next two to three hours, this is quite impossible when working with a freelancer. Every freelancer on Fivver has a specific time range for each project they offer.

Another downside of working with a freelancer is the fact that they are quite specific on the gigs they offer.  For Example, an SEO specialist can only deal with optimizing your website and nothing more.

Regular Virtual Assistant or Fivver Virtual Assistant

Opinions differ when it comes to working with a regular virtual assistant or virtual assistant on Fivver. The advantages of hiring a regular virtual assistant are:

  • Exclusivity- Regular virtual assistants are exclusive to your business. A regular virtual assistant is an employee working remotely and can perform any tasks that can be done virtually.

  • Timely Results- Tasks can be easily arranged with time limits to a regular VA and are expected to be completed within the time frame in contrast to a freelancer.

  • Multiple Reviews- Regular VA’s are considered your employee and can be asked to review projects assigned until you are satisfied with them as a business owner.

Regular virtual assistants are not limited to a specific gig or project. They have a wide range of knowledge on almost everything that can help scale your business. They can work as a 

  • Sales representative

  • Social media manager

  • Cold caller             

  • Chat support agent

  • Marketing manager

  • SEO specialist.

You won’t need to outsource these tasks to 2 to 3 different freelancers. One expert virtual assistant can easily handle them.

However, like said earlier in this article, opinion differs and both regular VA and a Fivver VA have their advantages.

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