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What is a sales virtual assistant?

A virtual sales assistant is a remote contractor that you hire as a means of outsourcing a specific task or set of tasks in order to build a more efficient sales process. 

Hiring a virtual assistant for sales helps in transfiguring leads and bringing in new clients faster. By transfiguring minor yet important time–consuming tasks, such as cold emailing, calling, follow up with clients. 

Time is money. And since better sales performance means higher revenue, it assures you of meeting your monthly goals.

A sales assistant dispenses administrative and sale-related services to entrepreneurs or businesses. The work is  carried out remotely with  various online tools.

  •        Sales activities
  •       Administrative functions
  •       Customer service-related tasks.

How Can A Sales Assistant Help Increase Sales

A sales virtual assistant becomes the first point of contact by sending an email or cold call. This will let your leads know that you are interested in doing business with them. 

The sales of a company should never be solely reliant on the new leads coming in. Old leads and previous clients still have the potential to work with you again, and you should not overlook them. Your remote sales assistant will assist you in managing a list of new clients and maintain follow-up with old leads in your sales database. 

In business, having leads of good quality enables your sales team to get the best value in the time spent talking to prospects. Hire a skilled sales virtual assistant who will perform cold calls for you to filter out bad-quality leads.

Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are perfect for e-commerce stores. Your virtual assistant connects with prospects with the end goal of turning them into leads.


Hiring a Sales Virtual Assistant

The equivalent of a well–managed calendar is to ameliorate productivity and efficiency. A good virtual assistant  make sure that you don’t run out of prospects to call. 

Before hiring a sales virtual assistant make sure these criteria are met:

  • At least 2 years experience as a sales representative.

  • A year or more experience as a customer service representative.         
  • Excellent verbal and written communications skills.

  • Fluency in your preferred language.
  • Willingness to learn and grow.

Looking To Hire A Virtual Assistant

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